I love taking pictures of my kids.
It's cheap entertainment and they are pretty cute. If I do say so myself.
Once upon a time when this little bugger was small....
It was easy to get a good smiley or giggly shot.
I said it was easy but it was not without some foolishness. Small ones laugh easily and readily if you are willing to put forth the "effort". What I mean by that is you have to act like an idiot.
Not a problem. When you give birth you leave so much of your dignity on the floor that you don't mind pulling faces and making heinous noises to get the attention of your munchkin for a millisecond.
It's just what you do.
Alas, there comes a time when they get a little bigger and the same honking sound, tongue clicking, or face pulling no longer gets the job done. The problem is, they have seen your whole bag of tricks. Unless you do a spot on Elmo impersonation it's all ovah baby!
And now you are in the same boat as me. You are left with a little smirky child who is bored with picture taking so you have to suffer through ten frames of this....
And this is the evidence that what I am stating is the whole truth and nothing but.
To tell the truth though, some of the "natural" shots of my boy are the ones I like best. They capture his personality in a way that a sweet grin never will.
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